Death on the Battlefield: Two Great Civil War Video Clips

After recording my recent podcast about the Civil War activity that showed students Civil War casualty rates, I came across two great videos that you can use to go along with that activity.

#1 – This is actually a preview of the series Death and the Civil War.  It is a little over two minutes long, but it definitely pulls at your emotions!

#2 – This is from the Civil War Trust and it is called Battlefield Death In4.  This four-minute video gives an excellent summary of the logistical problems that the massive deaths in the Civil War caused.  They mention things that most students wouldn’t think of, like pigs digging up and eating corpses buried in shallow graves.  Plus, you can download this video so that you can access it quickly and/or have it in case your internet won’t work!  (This website covers various topics in four minutes.  After doing some digging, I found over 40 videos!!  What a great resource!)